
Here at Tinco Sheet Metal, we recognize that the safety of our employees is the utmost important priority. Our number one goal is to prevent accidents and injuries to all employees. To reach this goal, we have created a Safety Program that is designed to aid our employees and management to safer standards in the workplace.

We take the time to recognize and reward our employees for practicing safe standards in the workplace. By having this reward program, it solidifies the culture we have created. These standards are continuously monitored and re-evaluated to ensure our employees receive the most current training based on state and local compliance regulations. 

All employees must go through a training program where they learn about job site safety and what it means to be safe while working. We take the time to walk our employees through all facets of our safety guidelines and policies to ensure they are prepared to work on our job sites. 

Safety is everyone’s responsibility and by working together, we have created a culture where safety is not only our number one priority but a core element of our “Mission Statement”. 

It is our passion and responsibility to provide our employees with the safest possible working environment and tools to excel on every project every day.

“Look & work sharp, don’t get cut”.