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Louis Nevarez, Director of Operations

Louis started his sheet metal career in September of 1969. After successfully passing the entrance exam, Louis joined the AFL/CIO Sheet Metal Workers Union Local 108 of Los Angeles. He worked 10 years at Supreme Kitchen Equipment Manufacturers, an extremely large company with 125 employees that specialized in building stainless steel kitchen equipment. At the age of 26, Louis was elected to the title of shop steward, which is the liaison between the employees and the union, as the youngest shop steward ever elected in his Local. He was training to become a Business Agent when Louis decided to leave the Union in 1979 and join his brother, Alfonso Nevarez, who had left the union 2 years previously to start C&A Sheet Metal.

For the next 20 years, they did general sheet metal for the largest single family home builders in Southern California. In 1999 they closed shop and joined Louis’s nephew, Michael Nevarez, in his new sheet metal business “Tinco.” We currently have about 250 employees and we are one big family.

What is the most exciting thing about working in this business?

My greatest joy at Tinco Sheet Metal is seeing all the young men and women who we have been able to help become a part of a productive society. By paying decent wages and benefits, we have given our employees an opportunity for a better life.

What is your personal passion and why?

My passion is doing what I can to make a difference in the lives of others. The fact that most of the employees affectionately call me Uncle Louie or (Tío Louie) is a testament of how well we treat our employees at Tinco Sheet Metal.

What is your greatest Tinco memory?

My greatest accomplishment at Tinco Sheet Metal was transitioning from single family homes to apartment building in 2009.